Although Haiti is a country whose majority religion is Voodoo, there is also a large Christian presence, especially Catholicism, which is why it has Our Lady of Perpetual Help as its patron saint. This virgin has a legend that in 1883 she achieved the miracle of ending the smallpox pandemic that was ravaging the country. In 1993, Pope John Paul II placed Haiti under her protection. Voodoo followers worship Erzulie, a spirit they represent with the black virgin or Our Lady of Czestochowa. Although for unknown reasons, they made cultural appropriation and also venerate Our Lady of Altagracia, patron saint of the Dominican Republic. It is not the only appropriation from Haiti, since they usually take foreign elements, as was the case with the Tainos. It is said that their tradition for this virgin is also ancient, but it is a lie, since there is no historical evidence of such a thing and it is something current, because if they knew why the Virgin of Altagracia is so venerated and her festival is the January 21 would be met with a tremendous surprise, but that is another topic.
Aclaración: la Virgen de la Altagracia siempre ha sido venerada por los dominicanos desde hace siglos antes de la existencia de Haití. Cuando los franceses quisieron invadir la parte oriental en la batalla de la limonada en 1691, los dominicanos le rezaron a la virgen para salir victoriosos, algo que pasó. El ejercito dominicano venció a los franceses y los masacró en el río Dajabón de ahí el nombre "Río Masacre". Los franceses tenían a su patrona que es Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Por lo que es ridículo creer que los franceses les enseñara a los actuales haitianos venerar a esta virgen.
Clarification: the Virgin of Altagracia has always been venerated by Dominicans for centuries before the existence of Haiti. When the French wanted to invade the eastern part in the Battle of Lemonade in 1691, the Dominicans prayed to the Virgin to emerge victorious, something that happened. The Dominican army defeated the French and massacred them in the Dajabón River, hence the name "Río Masacre". The French had their patron saint who is Our Lady of Lourdes. So it is ridiculous to believe that the French taught current Haitians to venerate this virgin.
Dame d’Altagrace
Notre Dame de la Altagracia
Notre-Dame du Perpétuel SecoursNotre Dame de la Altagracia
Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Lady of Altagrace